NewBranch Women, we will resume our study in the gospel of John on January 19. Please feel free to join us even if you were not part of the Fall study. All are welcome! Our primary resource for studying this book is the gospel of John itself. One option for study is the ESV Illuminated Journal of John, providing the text for the gospel of John with a facing blank page for notetaking. We have also provided the verses with space for notetaking below. Leaders will be using the guide John: That You May Believe by Kathleen Nielson as a supplement. It is not necessary to have these, but if you want, you can order either of them by clicking on the link. We will pick back up in John 11.
Wherever you are in your walk with Christ, John’s gospel can speak to you.
January 19th - March 28th
Monday Evenings: 7:00-8:30 PM (Location TBD) Contact: Amy Dolan
Wednesday Mornings: 9:30-11:30 AM (Church Sanctuary) Contact: Kathy Miller
Wednesday Evenings: 6:30-8:15 PM (Church Sanctuary) Contact: Rachel Bochat